What's Next?
New year, new Beginnings!
2025 is a year of change. Here at JackThornDesigns we are venturing into Candles and diffusers aswell as sticking with Wax Melts and Jesmonite home decor.
I want to go into the Well-being sector with my candles and diffusers offering a service of Essential Oils to enhance your mood, help reduce stress/anxiety, combat fatigue and whilst practicing self care.
I am so excited to step into this world and make a change to my brand!
With that being said, i now work a full time job Monday to Friday.. so my time to make/create is on weekends; We are still in the process of testing out, mixing oils to get the perfect blend to provide you the best service we can!
I want it to be spot on before I release anything! I AM SOOOO EXCITED!
Just a little update on where i am and where i want to go with JackThornDesigns!
Thankyou for taking the time to read this and keep your eyes peeled for more updates to come on my socials:
Instagram: @jackthorn_designs
Tiktok: @jackthorndes
Jack x